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AURORA is a world leading Swiss system for the research and analysis of stocks, funds, markets and industries in the global capital markets. By giving you all the tools you need to assess your own portfolio and evaluate potential investments, our technology gives you a means of approaching the markets systematically using your own rules in order to find investments which are right for you.

AURORA was created by SDIS Global AG, Switzerland, a company founded by Eyal Perry CPA, MBA after more than 30 years of experience in banking and finance. Aurora analysis and evaluations are based on technology from theScreener, another Swiss company operating for more than 20 years in securities research and analysis. theScreener is used by some of the world’s leading investment managers and banks, and more than 10 million end-users each month.

All the tools you need to make investment decisions confidently.


The system provides information and financial data to help you identify investment ideas. However, we do not advise or guide you in this regard, or provide recommendations on what products to buy or sell – these decisions are yours alone. SDIS and the system are not subject to regulation, and SDIS does not hold a license for investment advice, investment marketing or management of investment portfolios under any law.

The content provided in the system is independent and is not based on or tailored to your personal circumstances, needs or purposes, and should not be relied upon as an assessment of the profitability or suitability of investing in a particular stock for any purpose. Past performance is no guarantee of present or future performance. Investments can lose their full value.

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